About Us


The Have Fun Brand strives to promote positive experiences through clothing. Experiences that help individuals spread good energy, become optimistic, and enjoy all things good. Our mission is to elevate happiness throughout the world. We are constantly pushing ourselves to lift spirits and stick to the positive.

- Adam Fowler :)


During quarantine, there was a lot of uncertainty and doubt whether or not life would ever resume and go back to normal. The world was filled with so much negativity. I was a sophomore in high school, and all I was hearing was that we would never have a normal school experience, and that we will continue living in a lock down forever. That's when I realized how important optimism really was.

In summer of 2020, I had the idea to start a clothing brand. I knew exactly what I wanted the brand to be about too. I wanted to preach positivity and fun. I wanted my brand to be a light in this world full of negativity. I wanted my content to be a constant reminder to look at things from a positive perspective. 

So, with no knowledge of how to make clothing, make designs, have photoshoots, film content, or make a website - I decided that it was time to make a positive impact in the world. Over the course of the next Fall and Winter I learned all about these skills that I knew nothing about months prior. During the spring, I started designing and creating the clothing. On June 21st, 2021, I launched the website and finally started selling.

Fast forward to now: I have made an impact on so many people, whether a small impact or a big one. I have reached thousands of people, hopefully giving them some hope and positivity in life. Throughout the next few years I plan to reach more humans, spread more messages, and changes lives.

- Adam Fowler :)